Must Watch Viral Videos

I wish I was ashamed of how much time I spend watching YouTube. Everyone has seen a trailer for a movie, a music video, or an adorable baby animal at least once, but I just can’t get enough of it. Though I spend most of my time watching vloggers (video bloggers), there are some great viral videos that I have come back to time and time again. And because I’m so nice I am going to share them with you.

Daniel Radcliffe raps “Alphabet Aerobics”:

First of all Daniel Radcliffe is amazing. He has not only been in a major movie franchise, but he continues to amaze with his variety of talents. The internet, myself included, has fallen in love with him for the many interesting facets of his life. For example, when walking a horde of dogs through New York.

daniel radcliffe dogs

What really gave this video it’s big number of views, in my opinion, was the original response the interview got originally, during The Tonight Show. The people who watched it loved it and wanted to show their friends and in this way the audience just continued to grow. I think that most people were surprised that Radcliffe was, yet again, exactly who we didn’t know we wanted to be. With his history, though, I don’t know how anyone could be surprised by him anymore.

For me, the best part was seeing Fallon’s amazement in the background. He was like all the fan girls watching from their computer screens giddily bouncing along to the beat.

Jenna Marbles- How to Avoid Talking to People You Don’t Want to Talk to:

For those of you who haven’t heard of Jenna Marbles, she is a popular YouTuber who makes weekly videos which range from hilariously weird to sentimental and serious. She has quickly become my favorite thing to happen to Wednesdays.

This video is one of her most popular and, also, one of my favorites by far. In a matter of two minutes and forty-eight seconds she addresses an issue that many people have in her own quirky way. It is such a relate-able problem, especially to girls who go out to clubs or bars and don’t want to be hit on (I know, such a world shattering problem, but it happens). Her solution is so ridiculous that it just has to work and its completely inoffensive! Even if you don’t take her advice you can at least be thoroughly entertained by Jenna’s unique thought process.

Paint- After Ever After :

Who doesn’t love a little A Capella every once a while? Then add an attractive, talented guy who does it all by himself and you have YouTube gold. What really set him out from the rest of the singers who have mobbed to YouTube was his twist on classic Disney movies. His verses not only parodied the princesses, but did so with historical and political validity. It really makes a parody much funnier when it makes sense. With there being quite a few articles and videos popping up recently calling out the ridiculousness of these treasured childhood movies, his managed to get noticed.

The video itself, was made well, which is an added bonus. All of the “backup singers” are synched well and the faces he makes are funny for each one. I would suggest watching it more than once so you can focus on the backup once.


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  1. Love Daniel Radcliffe too and thought this was SO FUNNY.


  2. You’ve done a nice job of letting your personality show through. It makes it easier to connect with you and appreciate your comments.

    You have some good content in here as well. It gets hard to follow sometimes as your sentence structure breaks down. Watch out for run ons. Overall this was nicely done.

    I don’t see a title to this post…


  3. I like singing videos. And rapping videos. But I hate Jenna Marbles. 2/3 ain’t bad.


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